BCCPBC voted unanimously to support the $200 Million Workforce/Affordable Housing General Obligation (GO) Bond

A Bond question will be on every Palm Beach County voter’s ballot in the November 8th General Election.
You’ll be asked if you want to approve a $200 million affordable housing bond. President of the Black Chamber of Commerce of Palm Beach County Grasford Smith hopes you vote yes.
On Friday, August 9, 2022, the Board of Directors of the Black Chamber of Commerce of Palm Beach County voted unanimously to support the $200 Million Workforce/Affordable Housing General Obligation (GO) Bond. Click here to read the Economic Council of Palm Beach County endorsement letter.
The GO bond would pay to build 20,000 new affordable units for nurses, teachers, first responders, and other essential workers who make less than $128,000 a year.
The County Commission voted in June to put the bond referendum on the ballot.